
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Witches Night Out

I've been out with the neighborhood ladies at the annual Witches Night Out.  We went to Kneaders to have dinner and desserts.  And I won a lovely, metal spider in a web, that I can hang on my front porch.
I had to get out my special hat and wart, just for this special occasion.


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  2. Thanks for the information it was a great help for me. best sewing machine for leather

  3. I couldn't find where to write. But... I've had Singer machines foreeever! I just bought a new one and i'm pulling my hair out.It's Singer 4432 (my second because I loved the first one so much.) This one-- not so much.
    Everytime I start to sew, the little plastic cover over the bobbin pops up. Start over. Same thing again. It almost seems like the little plastic square is too small. And on my other machine it was actually a little larger. It never jumped out but it doesn't fit this machine. Y can't finish anything due to this one small problem. It's like the bobbin comver just doesn't fit.

    Any ideas?
    Thanks for hearing!

  4. Hi Sandy,

    I wonder if the bobbin basket, underneath the little plastic cover, is jumping. There’s a metal finger that’s under the needle plate that bends really easy. There’s a picture of it at this link: Scroll down to the Drop-in bobbin picture. It shows the “retention finger against bump…” If the finger isn’t holding the bobbin basket in place, you can push it back down with your finger. Be careful not to push it down too far.

    I wish they wouldn’t put “Heavy Duty,” on that machine. It’s on my “Naughty List.”
